08 Mar

castles of ice

March 8, 2014

My first winter in Colorado has been spent in wonderment. Some mornings it’s because of a freshly blanketed world of white and other mornings it’s because a t-shirt is sufficient. As time springs forward, there’s this sense of warmth that everyone is craving. Part of my heart aches at how easily we want to move […]

11 Feb

silver lake

February 11, 2014

I met this lovely during my first semester of college many years ago. A string of events have brought us closer and closer to one another, and I am so thankful for her. Rachel Clary who I often refer to as RaRa is truly one of the kindest souls I have encountered. Her friendship is […]

05 Feb

white winter

February 5, 2014

God bless Tara for standing in a gown as  the snow continued to pour down. The theme was winter, and a blanket of snow covered every surface the eve of the shoot. Cori Cook created some of the most stunning florals I have ever scene, and Tiffany McCray & Erin Ferris had our hair and […]

21 Jan

hidden creek

January 21, 2014

This is my partner in crime, my goofy best friend and my favorite person in the world. I adore my sweet husband who encourages me daily and loves me when I least deserve it. Grace upon grace. For this session, I left a new treasure attached to my camera body – the canon 45 tilt […]

02 Jan

forest meets the meadow

January 2, 2014

This is by far one of the sweetest friends that I’ve been blessed with. Rachel and I have rather similar tendencies, which during years of foolishness led us to take one another for granted, but in time, we realized truly how much we appreciated each other. I’ve learned as a photographer, that having the subject’s […]