It is my intention to chase after my love of photography through this portal. Often times that will look like trudging through the snow, wading through rivers and climbing mountains – whatever it takes, I will adventure after captivating frames and I will breath deeply in reflection of the beauty and splendor that surrounds us.


The Deep Well is often a nickname of mine. It’s purpose is best explained over a cup of coffee or better yet a glass of wine. Often times I don’t quite understand it’s complete definition, but daily I am learning more about who I am and even more importantly, who I am becoming. If you fancy, you can also call me EB Combs.

I am the wife of a great man and a caretaker of two pups, one of which is the size of a colt. I am a drinker of lightly sweetened lattes, red wines and on a cold night, whiskey. I work with my husband capturing great love stories via eb+jc photography over the weekends, and during the week we create identities for some amazing clients through The Whistler & the Well.  I can be contacted through either of the following two emails: -or-